Dec 14: We really don’t know what will happen in the future. What we can be absolutely certain of, however, is that no one carries out labor market prognoses or interview more than 10,000 employers throughout Sweden as well as Arbetsförmedlingen.
Their labor market prognosis reveals employers’ plans to hire or fire staff, depending on sector, occupation and geography. It reveals where to find persons with competences that employers need in order to grow. It maps current and future assessments of supply and demand on the labor market. The prognosis can help employers make better informed and more economically viable HR investment decisions and help job-seekers make smarter decisions about what to study and where to look for work.
Welcome to a no bones run-through of the highlights of Arbetsförmedlingens’ work force prognosis, coupled with some nifty nuggets for those looking to recruit top-drawer competence.
Somers Fry (Arbetsförmedlingen i Skåne)
WHEN: Friday, November 30, 2018, 8am-9.30am (breakfast between 8.00-8.30am)
WHERE: Media Evolution City, Stora Varvsgatan 6a, 211 19 Malmö
WHAT: World’s Best Morning
HOSTED BY: Arbetsförmedlingen
FOR: All members of Media Evolution and friends of Arbetsförmedlingen.