Say hello to our new...

We would like to give a warm welcome to Årstiderna who just moved in with us at Stora varvsgatan 6! Just to give you guys a small introduction to ou…
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Meet our house guests...

Together with Wihlborgs and Based on a True Story we went and talked to our house guests Martin from Kolossal and Johanna from Open studio about t…
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New booking system...

This week we’re going LIVE with the Awaio app for our house guests! By changing to awaio we are hoping to make bookings of the internal meeting roo…
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🦠 Important info...

Dear Community,
As a result of the Coronavirus, covid-19, the following applies for Media Evolution and Media Evolution City.
We have introdu…
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Let’s celebrate...

In a colourful talkshow, successful women will tell us about their own personal pathways, driving forces and inspirations. What they have lea…
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World’s Best...

We love Fridays. And breakfast. And our community. Combine the three of them and you get the “World’s Best Morning”.
This W…
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Winter Party w...

The Winter Party is the extra-super-de-luxe-party to celebrate the launch of Malmö’s new event and party agency www.jepsontenfalk.s…
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Världens Bästa...

Fredag, smarrig frukost och seminarium tillsammans med våra vänner på Green Hat People. “Hur du använder gamification för att skapa ma…
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Seminar: Being...

Are you curious about biometrics and how the technology can revolutionize our everyday lives? Join this session and learn more.
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After Work September...

Welcome to After Work! It’s that time again; meet and greet with old and new friends, families, co-workers and business partners in a jol…
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Superfredag August 23

Superfredag: “The Benefits of Outdoor Office Work”
Welcome to the first Superfredag of the season. This time, we’ve teamed up with our friends…
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It is finally summer and we’re hoping that all of you at Media Evolution City are enjoying it as much as possible. We just want to wish you all a plea…
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